comeandstay knowledge base
The comeandstay knowledge base is where you want to look up specific information about moving to the Netherlands. Here you’ll find information about housing, work, official issues and generally about life in the Netherlands.
Taxes & Insurances
The M-form, Income Tax and insurances like healthcare insurance in the Netherlands.
Explore Holland
It’s not all about windmill and tulips. Discover the hidden gems of the Netherlands.
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How to find a job in the Netherlands
You want to have a job in the Netherlands, but don't know where to start? Here are 6 tips to make your job search much easier. Good luck! [...]
8 tips for your job search in the Netherlands
Finding a job can be tricky. And it's even more challenging living in a foreign country. But we've got you covered! Here are eight tips for your job search [...]
What is it like to work in a Dutch-International office?
To answer how it is like to work in a Dutch-International office we talked to Niclas, who works in a Dutch company with colleagues from all parts of the [...]