
Kickstart your job search in the Netherlands

Are you looking to find a job in the Netherlands? Then this guide is just right for you!

Discover valuable pro tips and inside information including a list of Dutch companies that regularly recruit international staff.

E-Book: How to find a job in the Netherlands - comeandstay.nl

E-Book: The ultimate guide on

Kickstart your job search in the Netherlands

Are you looking for a job in the Netherlands? Then this guide is just right for you!

Discover valuable pro tips, inside information and multiple resources to kick off your job search in the Netherlands.



  • Endlessly browse through job openings

  • Waiste time pursuing every job opportunity you encounter

  • Spend hours writing unmotivated cover letters or worse, copy-paste them

  • Send out generic resumes, which never meet the eye of a human because AI filters them out


  • Tackle your job search with a clear schedule and enjoy the rest of the day exploring the Netherlands

  • Define target companies where you stand a realistic chance

  • Spread your chances with different entry points

  • Leverage your personal and professional network

  • Stand out with a motivated cover letter

  • Tailor your CV to the Dutch job market, making it easier for recruiters to understand

  • Ace your first Dutch job interview

E-Book: How to find a job in the Netherlands - comeandstay.nl


  • Endlessly browse through job openings

  • Waiste time pursuing every job opportunity you encounter

  • Spend hours writing unmotivated cover letters or worse, copy-paste them

  • Send out generic resumes, which never meet the eye of a human because AI filters them out


  • Tackle your job search with a clear schedule and enjoy the rest of the day exploring the Netherlands

  • Define target companies where you stand a realistic chance

  • Spread your chances with different entry points

  • Leverage your personal and professional network

  • Stand out with a motivated cover letter

  • Tailor your CV to the Dutch job market, making it easier for recruiters to understand

  • Ace your first Dutch job interview

Helpful Ressources

There is so much information out there that it’s easy to fall down the rabbit hole. We bundled everything you need to kickstart your job search in the Netherlands in one handy guide. Count on lists, links and lots of valuable tips and templates.

No more searching the internet, but everything in one place!

E-Book: How to find a job in the Netherlands - comeandstay.nl
E-Book: How to find a job in the Netherlands - comeandstay.nl

Different entry points

Many think the job search is simply finding a vacancy, applying and then waiting for the invitation for an interview. Often, that doesn’t lead to success and you’ll never hear back. Explore alternative entry points into Dutch companies, like targeting your ideal employer by networking on LinkedIn and open applications and exactly how to tackle this.

Are you ready to regain control of the job-searching process?

Helpful Ressources

There is so much information out there that it’s easy to fall down the rabbit hole. We bundled everything you need to kickstart your job search in the Netherlands in one handy guide. Count on lists, links and lots of valuable tips and templates.

No more searching the internet, but everything in one place!

E-Book: How to find a job in the Netherlands - comeandstay.nl

Different entry points

Many think the job search is simply finding a vacancy, applying and then waiting for the invitation for an interview. Often, that doesn’t lead to success and you’ll never hear back. Explore alternative entry points into Dutch companies, like targeting your ideal employer by networking on LinkedIn and open applications and exactly how to tackle this.

Are you ready to regain control of the job-searching process?

E-Book: How to find a job in the Netherlands - comeandstay.nl

What’s more:

In the guide you’ll also find:

  • A list of Dutch companies that regularly recruit international staff, so you can send out your first applications in no time.

  • Tipps and tricks to boost your confidence. Develop a strong attitude and mindset and kick ass in your (first) interview!

E-Book: How to find a job in the Netherlands - comeandstay.nl

What’s more:

In the guide you’ll also find:

  • A list of Dutch companies that regularly recruit international staff, so you can send out your first applications in no time.

  • Tipps and tricks to boost your confidence. Develop a strong attitude and mindset and kick ass in your (first) interview!

E-Book: How to find a job in the Netherlands - comeandstay.nl