About comeandstay
comeandstay.nl is a website from internationals for internationals. Moving to another country is exciting and fun but also involves a lot of paperwork, and oftentimes you need to know what to search for specifically. Our goal is to inform you about your relocation to the Netherlands as efficiently as possible and ensure a smooth start for your new Dutch adventure. In doing so, we aim to be as short and relevant as possible. We tailor our items to the specific target groups and keep them short while providing additional links if you want to dive deeper into a subject. On comeandstay.nl, you’ll find:
- Step-by-step guides you only have to follow to know exactly what to do when
- An extended knowledge base where you can look up specific information.
And while we’re at it, remember to download our free checklist.

Simone Sollberger – Founder
“I am born in Switzerland and moved to the Netherlands in 2012. I immediately fell in love with the Dutch way of living and remain so to this day. I have experienced all the ups and downs that come with settling in a foreign country. The lack of short and clear information about life in the Netherlands motivated me to start comeandstay.nl to help all the new-Dutchies get a smooth start in the Netherlands and fall in love with the country just like I did.”

Mona Kreimeier – Illustrations/Social Media
“From Germany to the US and the Netherlands to South Korea, I have lived in four different countries but my heart remains in Utrecht. Having a background in Creative Business I always had the eye for detail and am inspired by making your adventure much easier and enjoyable with comeandstay.nl.”

Alec Stewart – Guest Blogger
“Born in Montreal, grown in Washington D.C., and now living in The Hague! Much like the Dutch etched out this country from the sea, I have etched out a little life for myself within it! I love my life here in The Netherlands, and I’m excited to share what I know and love about this country with the readers of comeandstay.nl.”