
New to the Netherlands?

Start your new Dutch life smoothly!

Download our comeandstay checklist and get all the information you need.

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New to the Netherlands?

Start your new Dutch life smoothly!

Download our comeandstay checklist and get all the information you need.

Our mission is to inform you as efficiently as possible


Follow our easy checklist step by step, and save valuable time and money. The checklist comprises selected links and everything you need to know about relocating to the Netherlands.

Step-by-step guides - comeandstay.nl

Step-by-step guides

Know what you need to do in every phase of the relocation proces: Prepare your move, take necessary urgent steps in the first week, decide what can wait a little longer and finally get settled in your new Dutch life.

Knowledge Base

Our knowledge base is exactly the resource you need if you’re looking for specific information. Find detailed guides about crucial issues about your relocation to the Netherlands.

Popular Reads:

Browse our comeandstay knowledge base

comeandstay.nl category housing


Everything you need to know about housing in the Netherlands.

comeandstay.nl category phone and internet

Phone & Internet

Everything about prepaid, sim-only subscriptions and unlimitted internet.

comeandstay.nl category taxes and insurances

Taxes & Insurances

Everything about the M-form, Income Tax and Healthcare in the Netherlands.

comeandstay.nl category work


Everything you need to land that dream job in the Netherlands!

comeandstay.nl category students

Student Life

Here’s everything a student in the Netherlands needs to know.

comeandstay.nl category Holland life

Explore Holland

Explore the land of windmill and tulips.

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