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Use the best rental search engine in the Netherlands!



We search on alll sites you know and don't know


We will message you immediately if a rental has been found


Respond quicker than the rest, improve your chances greatly!

Looking for our dutch website?

Hard to find a rental in the Netherlands?
Not with snel wonen as your secret weapon!

Our search engine will find all listings within minutes! Be the first to respond.



Don't miss available houses, apartments, or rooms

Our powerfull search engine searches the entire rental scene in the Netherlands. So you won't miss a thing! 



We will message you ASAP ⚡️

We will send you a message directly if we find a house, apartment, studio or room matching your specifications. ⚡️



Greatly improve your chances

Way higher chance on viewings and getting that place you love


How it works

Start our search engine today 🕵️

Quick & Complete

We keep adding new sites and listings every minute of every day. You will not miss out.

Adjust your filters

Only receive messages for housing you are interested in.

Respond as quickly as possible

You will be one of the firsts to respond, greatly imrpoving your chances.


Multi language

Change your language in our search engine. 

Available offers

We keep checking if listings are rented out or still available. 

Your personal search service

Put your feet up, relax. Let us do all the searching. 

 ⚡️Supercharge your housing search today!  ⚡️

Select your city to get started, you can than select a bundle suited for your needs.


For our powerfull search engine you pay just 29,99 montly. You can cancel your plan at any time. 



3 Month deal

Most people find a new place to live within about 3 months. Paying 3 months in advance is a great deal.


Per month


Pay for a year in advance and you will receive the best possible deal.




🌳 Together we planted 989 trees

We plant a tree for each subscription and plant some extra every now and then.

Veelgestelde vragen

Kickstart our search engine today and don't miss out on your next housing opportunity!

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